Curative Care Blogs
Annie shares her journey, a special perspective, and collaboration with a Curative therapist
Our family's sensory journey officially began at the end of 2018, but unbeknownst to us, it had actually started long before that. After a series of heart wrenching events, Fletcher began occupational therapy at Curative New Berlin Therapies. We were so emotionally and physically exhausted at the time, but found such hope in finally connecting with a therapist that understood the needs of our son.
Our family learned right along with Fletcher. I was completely overwhelmed with so much information while also navigating regular sensory meltdowns and trying to figure out how and when to implement effective strategies to help all of us cope. While the internet is a great resource, I found it difficult to search for strategies and helpful tools one by one and I had a hard time finding a genuine parent's perspective that I could relate to. Someone that was going through similar things and made it okay to not be okay.
Two years into our journey, after having the great fortune of access to an incredible team of therapists and other specialists for both of our sons, I wanted to put all of the resources and knowledge we had gained through our experiences into a comprehensive website to serve as a humble one-stop shop for overwhelmed families like we were - maybe just beginning their respective journeys or simply needing a safe place to land.
This idea started one gloomy fall day when we were outside in the pouring rain swinging - because in that moment, swings were the only tool that helped regulate both of our boys. Swinging in the Rain became not only the name of the blog, but also a symbol of pushing through all of the elements in navigating the seasons of sensory processing disorder.

A few months into the blog, we added the Occupational Therapy Thursday segment with Emily to incorporate the perspective of a pediatric OT in the form of real, tangible strategies for families to address specific topics. This has both helped reinforce what families are already learning in OT, and has made strategies accessible for families who may not be able to attend occupational therapy sessions for a myriad of reasons. Our Swinging in the Rain blog allows for a unique blog experience from a family and parent perspective in conjunction with an occupational therapist perspective.
Ultimately, the goal of Swinging in the Rain (blog) and Seasons of Sensory (website) is to create a supportive community for families navigating similar situations with their children.
This February marks one year for the blog. Since starting, we've added a Teachers Pay Teachers site for downloadable visual schedules and other resources for home and school, Facebook and Instagram communities, and we hope to expand to a virtual parent support group in the near future.
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