Give Us a Call: 414-259-1414
For over 100 years, Curative has been a leading provider of services for individuals with disabilities or limiting conditions. We give people of all abilities the opportunity to thrive.
Robert has been an employee of Curative Commercial Services for over 20 years, since he was in high school.
Robert's Story
Watching their son walk into school with his walker was a milestone Nicco's parents were never certain they would see.
Nicco's Story
With the help of the therapists at Curative, Blaze found his voice again, and many other skills he needs.
Blaze's Story
Greeting each day with a smile is how Lisa has been showing up at Curative’s Adult Day Services for the last 10 years.
Lisa's Story
With the help of the therapists at Curative’s Birth to Three program, Lucas is a boy with no boundaries.
Lucas' Story
Matthew is a regular at our Adult Day program where he is well known for putting smiles on the faces of everyone.
Matthew's Story
“The therapists knew what they were looking for and helped us get Zach up to speed right away,” shared Zach's dad.
Zach's Story
Although Mark had little work experience, he was determined to become a valuable member of Curative’s Landscaping Crew.
Mark's Story
“There was a time when I didn’t know if we would be able to sing our ABC’s together or if I’d ever hear him say ‘I love you.’”
Bobby's Story
Sevie has come out of her shell and is more confident because of the socialization she gets with Curative's Adult Day Services.
Sevie's Story
“From day one, Curative was so helpful in referring us to resources we needed to help Ethan.”
Ethan's Story
Patrick, who has cognitive and developmental delays, has been working on Curative’s landscape team for over 25 years.
Patrick's Story
Ten-year-old Nigel is an amazing young man. Diagnosed with autism, he has a passion for the Brewers, Godzilla and life.
Nigel's Story
Cassandra was born not breathing for 10 minutes, had seizures and spent the first 23 days of her life in the (NICU).
Cassandra's Story
Vivian has a sweet giggle that will melt your heart. She came into this world at 33 weeks, weighing just three pounds.
Vivian's Story
“While other parents were looking for different universities ... we were looking for day programs ...”
Natalie's Video
“The therapists were amazing. They took my broken momma heart and mended it with all of their hope.”
Molly's Story
“He loves it. ... He's doing a lot of the things that a young man should be doing. .... I don't worry about him at all.”
David's Video
“He rode a bike by himself for the first time and I remember him coming home saying ‘this is the best day of my life.’”
Jason's Story
“We are so grateful to Yajaira and to Curative for helping improve the quality of life for our entire family.”
Mia's Story
“Every therapist here is the best of the best and they know and they love and they care about our children.”
Olivia's Video
"My biggest concern was pain and mobility. I can’t tell you how much better it is after going through the therapy."
Pip's Video
"New Berlin Therapies did wonders for my child - from not moving at all to progressing and having function."
Jermaine's Video
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