Curative Care  


Young boy smiling during therapy

Birth to Three Services

Curative provides caring, effective and cost efficient Birth to Three Services, including pediatric outpatient therapy services and early childhood education, to children ages 0 to 3 years who are challenged in moving, thinking, talking, learning, feeding/eating, and/or behavior. We work with the family to provide early intervention, identify goals for each child and to support goal achievement.

Curative is the largest provider of Birth to Three Services in Wisconsin.

Birth to Three Services are provided in Milwaukee County to children who have:

  • A developmental delay of 25 percent in one or more areas of development.
  • A diagnosed physical or mental condition that has a high probability of
    resulting in a developmental delay.
  • Atypical development or behavior as determined by professional evaluation.

The program serves children who have a physical, cognitive, communication and/or sensory disability.

To enroll in the Birth to Three program, please contact your County Agency. The Milwaukee County Disability Services Division (DSD) intake line is available Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. by calling 414-289-6799.


The Goal of Birth to Three Services

The ultimate goal of the Birth to Three program is for children to easily transition to public or private schools systems, Head Start programs or other services.


A staff dedicated to helping children thrive

Curative’s Birth to Three Services uses the Primary Coach Approach to Teaming. Every family will have a primary coach from a multidisciplinary team who will support and strengthen the family’s confidence and ability to promote child learning and development. 


Each multidisciplinary therapy team may include a: 

  • Family Service Coordinator
  • Physical Therapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Speech Language Pathologist
  • Early Childhood Education Teacher

All of Curative’s therapists are licensed, certified professionals who are experienced in working with children. Curative’s teachers are certified by the Department of Public Instruction for early childhood/exceptional education needs.


Families Are Important Team Members

Curative staff members, in cooperation with family members, establish short-term and long-term goals for every child upon admission to the program. Goals are reviewed every three months to see if they are being accomplished.

Family caregivers play an important role in helping children accomplish goals. Staff teach parents how to do therapeutic exercises and educational lessons in the home, so that children are able to work on meeting goals even after their therapy visit is over. 


Additional Services

Our team may also be able to help you coordinate medical care, identify community resources and obtain special equipment.

We offer proven, high quality programs

Curative Care Network is committed to providing high quality, person-centered care and services. Our program outcomes are reviewed monthly to develop focused actions for continuous performance improvement.

Achieving Outcomes

Curative’s clients and their families work with our Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Early Childhood Education Teachers and Family Service Coordinators to assess what is important to the family. The team also establishes individual goals and staff- and family-supported achievement plans.

Birth to Three Services measures its outcomes primarily according to the child’s individual goal achievement in the following categories:

  • Social relationships, including getting along with other children and relating well to adults.
  • Use of knowledge and skills related to thinking, reasoning, problem solving, early literacy and math.
  • Taking actions to meet needs, such as feeding, dressing, self-care and following rules related to health and safety.

Individual goals are evaluated and updated by the child’s family and our staff every six months. Curative measures achievement of individual goals and asks for input from families and stakeholders to ensure the program is of value to the families.

View Our Outcomes Information 


To enroll in the Birth to Three program, please contact your County Agency. The Milwaukee County Disability Services Division (DSD) intake line is available Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. by calling 414-289-6799.


The cost of many services may be reimbursed by private health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid, or funded through County contracts, State of Wisconsin funding sources, and the United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County. Fees for some services not covered by these sources may be paid privately or through other payment arrangements.

Hours and location

Appointments are typically scheduled Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. – Early or late appointments may be available on request.

For your comfort and convenience, easy-to-access services are provided in a variety of environments. We offer services in the home, day care facility, neighborhood library, local park or other location selected by the family and the therapist. 

Curative’s main facility, which is located on the campus of the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center, may also be an option for some services. Medical rehabilitation services through Curative Rehabilitation Services are also provided at this location.

Curative - 92nd Street
1000 N. 92nd Street
Milwaukee, WI 53226

Call for more information

To enroll, call the Milwaukee County Disabilities Services Division at 414-289-6799.


To learn more about Curative's Birth to Three Services, call 414-479-9460.

También tenemos servicios en español para la conveniencia de nuestros clientes.


Birth to Three information reported in this publication was supported by the Milwaukee County Disability Services Special Education Birth to Three Program under a RFP service contract. For more information on the Birth to Three Program, please visit the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website at:

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