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May 17, 2024
The Importance of Proper Latching: A Guide for Nursing Mothers
If you are a breastfeeding person, especially if it’s your first time, learning how to recognize a good latch and achieve a good latch is one of the most important factors in successful breastfeeding. An improper or poor latch can impact breastfeeding in any of the following ways:
Nipple pain while breastfeeding
Nipple damage including bruising, cracking, and/or bleeding
Poor milk transfer impacting infant nutrition and weight gain
Inefficient removal of milk, decreasing milk supply
How to recognize a proper latch:
Look for a flanged lower lip and a neutral or flanged upper lip, making sure upper lip is not tucked under
Wide open gape; Mouth should be open to about 140 degrees
Chin should be touching the breast
Asymmetrical latch: more areola should be in baby’s mouth on the bottom, resulting in more areola showing above baby’s mouth
Should not be painful
Baby should be able to remain latched on through the bursts of sucking
When nipple comes out of baby’s mouth it should not be creased or pinched/flattened
How to achieve a good latch:
Ensure baby’s body is in the optimal position: Ears, shoulders, and hips should all be in a straight line; front of baby’s body should be touching parent’s body
Allow baby to self-latch, don’t push on the back of baby’s head, only support; can gently bring baby in closer by bringing shoulders closer to parent’s body
Touch nipple to baby’s nose and allow baby to tilt head back to latch, this will assist with getting a deep latch
Try to offer baby the breast at the early signs of hunger; full crying is a late sign of hunger and makes it difficult to get a proper latch
When to seek help:
If baby has a difficult time staying latched while breastfeeding; baby may slide off nipple or fully come off breast
You hear a “clicking” sound while baby is breastfeeding
Baby coughs or gulps air while breastfeeding
Parent pain with breastfeeding
Nipples are bruised/purple, cracked, and/or bleeding
*This is not a comprehensive list of when to seek help. If you have concerns, please consult your doctor or your child’s pediatrician.
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