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Watching their son walk into school with his walker was a milestone Anthony and Jessica were never certain they would see. Nicco’s motor movements, language and sight were impacted by a stroke he suffered. “Shortly after he was born, we were bracing for the worst. Doctors were saying he was going to have a lot of challenges,” explains Anthony. “Fast forward three months, we got him into Curative.”
Curative therapists not only worked with Nicco, but they explained to Jessica and Anthony what they were doing so they could support the care he was getting. “One of the things I’ve always enjoyed about going to Curative is how involved they make the parents,” says Anthony. “They always give us insight on how to continue his therapies at home… which helped out a lot during COVID-19. I was basically off of work and I would be doing therapy with him during the day. I don’t think that Jessica and I could ever express how much we’ve appreciated and loved the involvement we’ve had at Curative. It’s had such an impact on Nicco’s success.” Suzie, Nicco’s physical therapist, agrees that Anthony and Jessica have had a huge impact, “Nicco’s parents have been excellent with what they’ve been doing at home. They follow through with what we ask them to do and it really helps make the progress week by week.”
“Nicco is a very bright spirited four-year-old. He is an awesome guy, he’s my best friend. He has his challenges but he doesn’t let that slow him down,” shares Anthony.
“We are first time parents of a special needs kid and we don’t know what the next steps are,” explains Jessica. “We didn’t know when he was supposed to go to school or whether kids with his challenges even went to a traditional school.” Hannah, Niki and the whole Curative team helped Nicco and his family navigate through his next milestones. They even connected with Nicco’s therapists at school to share his goals. Jessica and Anthony attribute the fact that Nicco can stand, that he is walking and that he talks as much as he does not only to the work they have done with him themselves, but to Curative as well.
“They are almost like family,” adds Jessica. “They are as concerned and excited for him as we are.” Anthony videotaped Nicco walking into school on that memorable first day and shared it with Nicco’s therapist, Hannah. He told her, “You were a big part of why he was able to do this.” And she replied, “This is why I do what I do.”
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